- Kulkov M. A., Movsisyan L. K. Mediation: Overview (Russian Federation). Thomson Reuters (Practical Law), 2024.
- Kulkov M. A., Movsisyan L. K. Settlement of Civil Disputes: Overview (Russian Federation). Thomson Reuters (Practical Law), 2024.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court recognises and enforces SIAC award in favour of Russian company despite suspension of award at the seat. Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court refuses to recognise and enforce SCC arbitral award resulting from well-known PESA v UralTransMash case, citing violation of public policy (Commercial Court of Sverdlovsk Region). Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Supreme Court overturns order enforcing foreign arbitration award, declaring presumption that arbitrators from “unfriendly” states lack impartiality and objectivity. Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Biryulin D. A. Sanctions against Russian bank as force majeure. Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2024 [website].
- Pokryshkin N. A., Shevchenko K. Y. Insolvency of foreign companies in Russia – a new norm without a legal norm. Global Restructuring Review, 2024 [website].
- Chernyshenko N. S. How to achieve subordination of a claim of an affiliated creditor. Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2024 [website].
- Pokryshkin N. A., Tumanova E. M. Recovery of losses from Russian banks for blocking international payments: what to base a defence on. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2024, No. 1 (79), pp. 19–29.
- Biryulin D. A., Shishko O. A. The Russian Supreme Court clarifications on interim measures are nine months old. How the courts are interpreting them. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2024, No. 3, pp. 16–23.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg grants suite of injunctions against Hong Kong arbitration and proceedings but refuses penalties for non-compliance. Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court rules that party’s affiliation to arbitral institution not a ground to refuse enforcement of award (Commercial Court of the Moscow Circuit). Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
- Salamatova A. E., Arkhipova D. R. Overview of the practice of the Supreme Court of Russia for Q1. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2024, No. 1 (79), pp. 69–77.
- Kulkov M. A., Papoyan S. V. Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg grants anti-arbitration injunction and imposes penalty for non-compliance. Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
- Russian court confirms availability of anti-suit injunction as interim measure (Commercial Court of St Petersburg and the Leningrad District). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Manyakina D. D. Unequal transactions in bankruptcy. What courts consider a material deviation from the market. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2023, No. 5, pp. 48–59.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Manyakina D. D. Consequences of the invalidity of an unequal transaction: from full to partial restitution. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2023, No. 7, pp. 82-89.
- Biryulin D. A., Akulova D. A. How to find a debtor’s digital assets. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 4 (78), pp. 18–24.
- Tumanova E. M. A debtor has a spouse: How to prevent the recognition of property as personal, and obligations as non–public. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2023, No. 12, pp. 72–77.
- Biryulin D. A., Shishko O. A. Bankruptcy of foreigners in Russia: what is important for a lender to know? Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2023 [website].
- Biryulin D. A. Bankrupting a foreign company in Russia: Mission (Im)Possible. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 3 (77), pp. 25–29.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Commercial Court of Moscow confirms possibility of granting anti anti-suit injunction. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court upholds interim measures against assets of defendants’ subsidiaries (Commercial Court of the NorthWestern District). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A., Movsisyan L. K. Mediation: Overview (Russian Federation). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A., Movsisyan L. K. Settlement of Civil Disputes: Overview (Russian Federation). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Thirteenth Commercial Court of Appeal confirms Russian courts’ long-standing position that the imposition of sanctions is sufficient, by itself, for the Russian courts to assume exclusive jurisdiction. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Commercial Court of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District accepts sanctions restrictions as grounds for freezing injunction in support of future arbitration claim. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Non-sanctioned party has right to prove that a sanctioned party faces no obstacles to access to justice in foreign proceedings (Commercial Court of Moscow). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A. Studying Judge and Opponent is a necessary element of preparing for a hearing [Interview]. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2023, No. 4, pp. 100–107.
- Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. SCC tribunal’s refusal to adjourn or suspend arbitration proceedings restricted sanctioned entity’s access to justice (Commercial Court of the Tyumen Region). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Commercial Court of Moscow accepts jurisdiction over dispute on a contract containing arbitration agreement due to sanctions against one party. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
- Chernyshenko N. S. “Subsidiary” or compensation for losses – what to choose to protect the creditor [comment]. EG-Yurist, 2023, No. 44 (1295).
- Chernyshenko N. S. Participation of arbitration managers in bankruptcy cases: new court clarifications [comment]. EG-Yurist, 2023, No. 41 (1292).
- Chernyshenko N. S. Five of the Supreme Court of Russia’s key positions on subordination for 2022. Zakon.ru [website]. – 2023.
- Chernyshenko N. S. The Central Bank recovered losses from the controlling persons of Rost-Bank for reorganisation. Understanding the foundations. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 2 (76), pp. 17–24.
- Chernyshenko N. S. Expanding horizons of subordination: key positions of the Supreme Court of Russia. Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2023 [website].
- Chernyshenko N. S. The Constitutional Court has expanded the rights of controlling persons. How to use them in a bankruptcy case. Corporativniy yurist [The Corporate Lawyer], 2023, No. 1, pp. 24–29.
- Movsisyan L. K., Salamatova A. E. Overview of the practice of the Supreme Court of Russia for Q4. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 4 (78), pp. 78–88.
- Movsisyan L. K., Salamatova A. E. Overview of the practice of the Supreme Court of Russia for Q3. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 3 (77), pp. 83–90.
- Movsisyan L. K., Salamatova A. E. Overview of the practice of the Supreme Court of Russia for Q2. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 2 (76), pp. 92–100.
- Ilin D. V., Movsisyan L. K. Algorithm for getting the most out of counterparty violations. Yurist kompanii [Company Lawyer], 2023, No. 6, pp. 62–65.
- Karlovskiy A. A. Challenging security transactions in the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 4 (78), pp. 63–68.
- Karlovskiy A. A. Remote issuance of a loan: how to avoid the risk of a contract being challenged. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 1 (75), pp. 50–61.
- Kulkov M. A., Movsisyan L. K. Mediations in the Russian Federation: Overview. Practical Law Arbitration, 2022.
- Kulkov M. A., Movsisyan L. K. Settlement of Civil Disputes in Russia: Overview. Practical Law Arbitration, 2022.
- Kulkov M. A., Karlovskiy A. A. The issue of jurisdiction: Russian Supreme Court annuls enforcement decision against property of Belarus and orders retrial (Russian Supreme Court). Practical Law Arbitration, 2022.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Ushakova M. S. Debtor pays for oil supplies one month before bankruptcy. Lawyers achieve immunity for payments [commentary]. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2022, No. 7, pp. 108–111.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Shabalina M. A. The state plans to nationalise property. How to use a pledge to keep an asset. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2022, No. 6, pp. 34–43.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Shabalina M. A. Is it possible to prepare for confiscation and nationalisation (part 2)? Legal Insight, 2022, No. 06 (112), pp. 39–43.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Shabalina M. A. Is it possible to prepare for confiscation and nationalisation (part 1)? Legal Insight, 2022, No. 05 (111), pp. 8–12.
- Antonov A. S., Chernyshenko N. S. The law has given controlling persons the right to participate in bankruptcy proceedings. Vestnik arbitrazhnoy praktiki [Arbitration Practice Bulletin], 2022, No. 6, pp. 49-59.
- Shabalina M. A., Chernyshenko N. S. Practical features of compensation for court expenses incurred by a person other than a party to the dispute. Tsivilistika [Civilistics], 2022, No. 2, pp. 240–252.
- Antonov A. S., Chernyshenko N. S. Courts not subordinating current claims. How the new Supreme Court’s new position will change practice. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2022, No. 6, pp. 76–83.
- Antonov A. S., Movsisyan L. K. When an auditor prepares an unreliable report, a lawsuit declaring a document knowingly false can help. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2022, No. 11, pp. 26–35.
- Movsisyan L. K. The Anticipatory Breach of Contract. A Comparative Analysis. Commercial Arbitration, 2022, No. 1(8), pp. 230-250.
- Karlovskiy A. A. Is the assigning bank liable for the invalidity of the security of an assigned claim? Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2022, No. 3 (73), pp. 86–93.
- Karlovskiy A. A. Concluding a loan agreement via text message. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2022, No. 2 (72), pp. 60–69.
- Kukov M. A., Lysov S. V. Russian courts to have exclusive jurisdiction in disputes involving sanctioned entities (Russian Supreme Court). Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
- Kulkov M. A., Ushakova M. S. Russian Supreme Court will consider sanctioned company’s application for anti-arbitration injunction against SCC proceedings. Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
- Kulkov M. A., Vlasov D. S., Chernyshenko N. S. Russian Supreme Court upholds enforcement of SCC award rendered by tribunal seated in Russia. Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
- Kulkov M. A., Borisova A. D. Russian Supreme Court dismisses sanctioned company’s application for anti-suit injunction against SCC proceedings. Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
- Kulkov M. A., Kokoz O. S. Russian Supreme Court upholds setting aside of award for violating principles of fairness and proportionality, and basis of liability for damages. Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Commercial Court of Moscow rules in favour of enforceability of arbitration agreement providing for resolution of dispute by “Swiss International Arbitration Court”. Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
- Kulkov M. A., Vlasov D. S., Rubins N. Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards: Russia / Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards. Globe Law and Business, 2021, pp. 558–567.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Russian Constitutional Court rules on provisional application of international treaties. Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
- Pokryshkin N. A. Hopes and fears of bankrupts. Legal Insight, 2021, No. 3 (99), pp. 4-7.
- Lysov S. V., Chernyshenko N. S. A public body’s subsidiary liability. When the court sides with the creditor. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2021, No. 4, pp. 78-83.
- Kulkov M. A., Bulatova V. V. Saint-Petersburg Commercial Court denies recognition of LCIA arbitral award due to tribunal’s refusal to correct arithmetical mistake. Practical Law Arbitration, 2020.
- Kulkov M. A., Kokoz O. S. Russian courts demonstrate prudent approach to application of recent anti-sanctions legislation (Commercial Court of Sverdlovskiy Region). Practical Law Arbitration, 2020.
- Kulkov M. A., Shkvarova A. S. Features of the appeal intermediate definitions, taken in cases on the execution of decisions commercial arbitration. Treteysky sud [Arbitral Tribunal], 2020, No. 1/2, pp. 176–183.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Labour disputes in professional sport will be subject to arbitration in Russia. Practical Law Arbitration, 2020.
- Kulkov M. A., Kokoz O. S., Chepurnaya A. A. Russian President signs law on exclusive jurisdiction of Russian commercial courts in disputes involving sanctioned Russian entities. Practical Law Arbitration, 2020.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. General authority to conclude contract includes authority to sign arbitration agreement (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation). Practical Law Arbitration, 2020.
- Kulkov M. A., Kokoz O. S. Ways to reduce quarantine rents. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2020.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Antonov A. S. Aspects of challenging transactions of debtors under the bankruptcy moratorium. Legal Insight, 2020, No. 07 (93), pp. 44–48.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Shabalina M. A. Examination of fictitiousness or premeditation of bankruptcy. Six controversial issues. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2020, No. 8, pp. 82–88.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Aleksandrova O. S. Recovery of damages from the director for implementing the instructions of the company’s members of the company and recommendations of subordinates. Legal Insight, 2020, No. 6 (92), pp. 36–41.
- Pokryshkin N. A, Vlasov D. S., Shkvarova A. S. Aspects of airline insolvency under Russian law. Global Restructuring Review, 2020.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V., Ulanichev M. A. Key bankruptcy cases: IV quarter, 2019. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2020, No. 1 (63), pp. 38–46.
- Kulkov M. A., Gloov D. H. Tatneft v Ukraine: Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dismisses Ukraine’s appeal and upholds enforcement of award. Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Arbitrator’s removal from institution’s recommended list leads to setting aside of award (Commercial Court of Moscow). Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Kokoz O. S. Statute of limitation deemed suspended from commencement of arbitration through enforcement, even if enforcement refused (Russian Supreme Court). Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Chepurnaya A. A. Russian State Duma passes draft law to give sanctioned Russian entities rights to unilaterally change dispute resolution clauses. Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Gloov D. H. Tatneft v Ukraine: Ukraine’s cassation appeal dismissed and enforcement of award upheld (Commercial Court of the North-Caucasus Circuit, Russian Federation). Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Kokoz O. S. Arbitration clause valid despite imprecise wording, claimant’s lack of funds and claims of bias regarding arbitral institution (Ninth Appellate Commercial Court, Moscow). Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Aleksa K. I. Tatneft vs Ukraine: court enforces $144 million award despite Moscow court’s findings on immunity of Ukraine’s property (Stavropol Court). Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Russian Supreme Court refuses recognition of award finding that import ban prevented Russian buyer from performing under contract. Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Aleksa K. I. Supreme Court of Russia clarifies arbitrability of procurement disputes. Practical Law Arbitration, 2019.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V., Kokoz O. S., Gloov D. H. Review of Arbitration Jurisprudence for January – November 2019. Treteysky Sud [Arbitration], 2019, No. 3/4, pp. 145-151.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Gloov D. K Resolution No. 53 of the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court on subsidiary liability. How the courts apply it on time. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2019, No. 12, pp. 94–100.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Gloov D. K. Dispute on bringing a person to subsidiary liability. How the courts apply versions of the Bankruptcy Law. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2019, No. 9, pp. 64–69.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Pledge agreement in bankruptcy proceedings. Six grounds for challenges. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2019, No. 5, pp. 58–66.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Rodionov V. V. Subordination of claims of shareholders and affiliates. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2019, No. 4, pp. 58–69.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Shabalina M. A. Unequal transactions in bankruptcy proceedings: key problems of challenging. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2019, No. 3, pp. 72–81.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: II quarter, 2019. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2019, No. 3 (61), pp. 50–55.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Aleksa K. I. Risks of recovery of foreign assets to avoid Russian bankruptcy proceedings. Legal Insight, 2019, No. 03 (79), pp. 4–9.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Rodionov V. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: I quarter, 2019. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2019, No. 2 (60), pp. 89–96.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Bankruptcy: summarising the results of 2018. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2019, No. 1 (59), pp. 38–44.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. ICC requests Russian Supreme Court to consider validity of its standard arbitration clause. Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V., Commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against respondent renders award unenforceable (Commercial Court of Moscow Region). Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M. A., Aleksa K. I. Enforcing award against state-owned strategic enterprise does not violate public policy (Moscow Commercial Court). Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Russian procurement disputes with state-owned companies are arbitrable (Russian Supreme Court). Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M. A. Contractual jurisdiction: what could be the reasons for its cancellation? EZh-Iurist [EZhLawyer], 2018, No. 29 (1030).
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V., Rodionov V. V. Review of the practice of Russian courts in relation to international arbitration and domestic arbitration. Treteysky Sud [Arbitration], 2018, No. 1/2
(113/114), pp. 192–198. - Kulkov M. A., Aleksa K. I. Review of the legal positions of Russian state courts on the recognition and enforcement of Russian and foreign arbitration decisions for June – September 2018. Treteysky Sud [Arbitration], 2018, No. 3/4 (115/116), pp. 133–141.
- Kulkov M.A, Lysov S. V. Reference to ICC Rules not enough for survival of arbitration agreement (Commercial Court Moscow region). Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M. A., Chilikova A. G., Manko V. V. Selection of the most striking precedents jurisprudence in the field of copyright for February 2018. IS. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava [Copyright and related rights], 2018, pp. 63–67.
- Kulkov M.А., Chilikova A.G., Manko V. V. Intellectual property. Review of judicial practice for December 2017 – February 2018. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2018.
- Kulkov M.А., Chilikova A.G. Russian Supreme Court dismisses application to set aside arbitral award against state funded entity on grounds of public policy. Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M.А., Aleksa K. I. Supreme Court of Russia restricts insolvency creditor’s right to appeal enforcement of award against insolvent debtor. Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Arbitration clause providing for ad hoc arbitration invalid where arbitral institution not specified (Russian Ninth Commercial Court of Appeal). Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Kulkov M. A. Don’t ask questions you don’t need to answer. Iurist kompanii [In-house lawyer], 2018, No. 2, pp. 64–71.
- Kulkov M. А., Chilikova A. G. Russian Supreme Court confirms claims concerning transfer or use of public property are not arbitrable and contrary to public policy. Practical Law Arbitration, 2018.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Rodionov V. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: III quarter, 2018. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2018, No. 4 (58), pp. 38–47.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Kokoz O. S. Challenging of third party payments made for a debtor. Tactics: a friendly creditor or a claim register creditor. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2018, No. 9, pp. 64–73.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Kokoz O. S. How to prove that a creditor bank was aware of the signs of the debtor’s bankruptcy. Bankovskoe kreditovanie [Bank lending], 2018, No. 4 (80), pp. 72–81.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Kokoz O. S. Is the “simplified” bankruptcy procedure applicable to a debtor under a factoring agreement? Bankovskoe kreditovanie [Bank lending], 2018, No. 3 (79), pp. 98–103.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V., Rodionov V. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: II quarter, 2018. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2018, No. 3 (57), pp. 47–55.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V., Rodionov V. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: I quarter, 2018. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2018, No. 2 (56), pp. 4–13.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: IV quarter, 2017. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2018, No. 1 (55), pp. 30–37.
- Kulkov M. А., Chilikova A. G., Manko V. V. Kulkov M. А., Chilikova A. G., Manko V. V. Intellectual property. Review of judicial practice for August – November 2017. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2017.
- Kulkov M. A. Kulkov M. A. Explanations to the bill of RUIE on development of conciliatory procedures. Treteysky Sud [Arbitration], 2017, No. 3 (111).
- Kulkov M. A., Aleksa K. I. Russian Supreme Court confirms lack of impartiality and independence where counsel on institutional list of arbitrators. Practical Law Arbitration, 2017.
- Kulkov M. A., Chilikova A. G. Selection of the most striking precedents jurisprudence in the field of copyright for October 2017. IS. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava [Copyright and related rights], 2017, No. 12, pp. 55–58.
- Kulkov M. A., Zaltser E. A. Russian Supreme Court upholds lower courts’ rulings denying recognition and enforcement of SCC award. Practical Law Arbitration, 2017.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Repeated consideration by tribunal of dispute arising from same contract contradicts Russian public policy. Practical Law Arbitration, 2017.
- Kulkov M. A. Commercial Court of Moscow refuses to enforce series of Ukrainian awards on grounds of public policy. Practical Law Arbitration, 2017.
- Kulkov M.А., Chilikova A.G., Manko V. V. Kulkov M.А., Chilikova A.G., Manko V. V. Intellectual property. Review of judicial practice for February – July 2017. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2017.
- Kulkov M. A., Chernykh A.P. Mediation Q&A: Russian Federation. Practical Law Arbitration, 2017.
- Kulkov M. A., Chernykh A.P. Settlement (civil litigation) Q&A: Russian Federation. Practical Law Arbitration, 2017.
- Kulkov M. A., Zaltser E.A. Russian Supreme Court affirms lower courts’ rulings that tribunal need not decide applicable substantive law until rendering final award. Practical Law Arbitration, 2017.
- Kulkov M.А., Chilikova A.G., Manko V. V. Intellectual property. Review of judicial practice for November 2016 – January 2017. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2017.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Aleksa K. I. Subsidiary liability of the CEO: thatch your roof before the rain begins. Bankovskoe kreditovanie [Bank lending], 2017, No. 6 (62), pp. 34–37.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: II quarter, 2017. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2017, No. 3 (53), pp. 6–13.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Key bankruptcy precedents: I quarter, 2017. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2017, No. 2 (52), pp. 52–59.
- Pokryshkin N. A. Whether or not to initiate a “foreign” recovery process to avoid Russian bankruptcy proceedings? Bankovskoe kreditovanie [Bank lending], 2017, No. 1 (71), pp. 4–17.
- Kulkov M. A. RSPP bill on the development of conciliation procedures. Treteysky sud [Arbitration], 2016, No. 6, pp. 138–143.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the practice of Russian courts. Treteysky sud [Arbitration], 2016, No. 4/5, pp. 44–48.
- Kulkov M. A. Kulkov M. A. Directions for improving the legislation on mediation of commercial disputes. Pravosudie. Mediatsiya. Sotsial’naya spravedlivost’ [Justice. Mediation. Social justice], 2016, pp.80–86.
- Kulkov M. A., Chernykh A. P. Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in the practice of Russian courts. Treteysky sud [Arbitration], 2016, No. 4/5, pp. 146–150.
- Kulkov M. А. Court allows courts to reduce compensation for violation of exclusive rights below minimum limit. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2016.
- Kulkov M. A., Saveliev S. L. Interim measures: how to reverse jurisprudence. Legal Insight, 2016, No. 6 (52), pp. 22–25.
- Kulkov M. A. Commercial arbitration. Review of current jurisprudence. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2016.
- Kulkov M. A., Saveliev S. L. Interim measures: view of the legal community. Legal Insight, 2016, No. 8 (54), pp. 3–21.
- Kulkov M. A., Lysov S. V. Current issues of arbitration in the practice of state courts. Treteysky sud [Arbitration], 2016, No. 2/3, pp. 107–110.
- Kulkov M. А., Chilikova A. G. Intellectual property. Review of Jurisprudence for March 2016. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2016.
- Kulkov M. А., Chilikova A. G. Intellectual property. Review of Jurisprudence for February 2016. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2016.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Bankruptcy. Review of the most striking precedents for September–December, 2016. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2016.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Bankruptcy. Review of the most striking precedents of the summer of 2016. KK&P Trial Lawyers website, 2016.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Lysov S. V. Interim measures in bankruptcy. Legal Insight, 2016, No. 8 (54), pp. 14–21.
- Pokryshkin N. A. Unfair insolvency control: schemes and counteraction. Legal Insight, 2016, No. 7 (53), pp. 26–35.
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