- Biryulin D. A. Payment of VAT deduction and repayment of property taxes by way of collateral: taxes in bankruptcy in the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. Bankovskoe kreditovanie [Banking lending], 2024, pp. 69–77.
- Biryulin D. A. Rules for the payment of property taxes from the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: analysis of new Resolution No. 16-P. Taxation, accounting and reporting in a commercial bank, 2024, pp. 49–57.
- Pokryshkin N. A., Biryulin D. A. Sanctions against Russian bank as force majeure. Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2024 [website].
- Biryulin D. A., Shishko O. A. The Russian Supreme Court clarifications on interim measures are nine months old. How the courts are interpreting them. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2024, No. 3, pp. 16–23.
- Biryulin D. A., Akulova D. A. How to find a debtor’s digital assets. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 4 (78), pp. 18–24.
- Biryulin D. A., Shishko O. A. Bankruptcy of foreigners in Russia: what is important for a lender to know? Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2023 [website].
- Biryulin D. A. New procedure for paying taxes from the sale of collateral: what a bank should take into account now to get more later. Taxation, accounting and reporting in a commercial bank, 2023, [website] (available by subscription).
- Biryulin D. A. Instead of long routes: how to take a shortcut and sell the property of a bankrupt person faster. Bankovskoe kreditovanie [Banking lending], 2023, pp. 60–64.
- Biryulin D. A. Bankrupting a foreign company in Russia: Mission (Im)Possible. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 3 (77), pp. 25–29.
- Biryulin D. A. How to prove to the court that transaction by a bankrupt person corresponds to ordinary business activities. Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2023 [website].
- Biryulin D. A. Soft Skills: how to deal with “toxic” opponents in court [comment]. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 2 (76), pp. 104–105.