1. Chernyshenko N. S. How to achieve subordination of a claim of an affiliated creditor. Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2024 [website].


  1. Kulkov M. A., Chernyshenko N. S. Russian courts justify refusal to enforce arbitral award in favour of “unfriendly” parties by reference to counter-sanctions decrees. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
  2. Chernyshenko N. S. “Subsidiary” or compensation for losses – what to choose to protect the creditor [comment]. EG-Yurist, 2023, No. 44 (1295).
  3. Chernyshenko N. S. Participation of arbitration managers in bankruptcy cases: new court clarifications [comment]. EG-Yurist, 2023, No. 41 (1292).
  4. Chernyshenko N. S. Five of the Supreme Court of Russia’s key positions on subordination for 2022. Zakon.ru [website]. – 2023.
  5. Chernyshenko N. S. The Central Bank recovered losses from the controlling persons of Rost-Bank for reorganisation. Understanding the foundations. Yuridicheskaya rabota v kreditnoy organizacii [Legal work in a financial institution], 2023, No. 2 (76), pp. 17–24.
  6. Chernyshenko N. S. Expanding horizons of subordination: key positions of the Supreme Court of Russia. Bankovskoe obozrenie [Banking review], 2023 [website].
  7. Chernyshenko N. S. The Constitutional Court has expanded the rights of controlling persons. How to use them in a bankruptcy case. Corporativniy yurist [The Corporate Lawyer], 2023, No. 1, pp. 24–29.


  1. Antonov A. S., Chernyshenko N. S. The law has given controlling persons the right to participate in bankruptcy proceedings. Vestnik arbitrazhnoy praktiki [Arbitration Practice Bulletin], 2022, No. 6, pp. 49-59.
  2. Vlasov D. S., Chernyshenko N. S. Regulation of decisions of foreign arbitration centres in Russia. Status of Permanent Arbitration Institutions. Corporativniy yurist [The Corporate Lawyer], 2022, No. 9, pp. 38–43.
  3. Shabalina M. A., Chernyshenko N. S. Practical features of compensation for court expenses incurred by a person other than a party to the dispute. Tsivilistika [Civilistics], 2022, No. 2, pp. 240–252.
  4. Antonov A. S., Chernyshenko N. S. Courts not subordinating current claims. How the new Supreme Court’s new position will change practice. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2022, No. 6, pp. 76–83.


  1. Kulkov M. A., Vlasov D. S., Chernyshenko N. S. Russian Supreme Court upholds enforcement of SCC award rendered by tribunal seated in Russia. Practical Law Arbitration, 2021.
  2. Lysov S. V., Chernyshenko N. S. A public body’s subsidiary liability. When the court sides with the creditor. Arbitrazhnaya praktika dlya yuristov [Arbitration practice for lawyers], 2021, No. 4, pp. 78-83.