Institute of Modern Arbitration and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Center publish atypical model arbitration clause

Maxim Kulkov (Managing partner) and Dasel Muksunova (Paralegal), KK&P Trial Lawyers On 1 July 2024, the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration (RIMA) announced the conclusion of a co-operation agreement with the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Center (ITOTAM). The main aim of the agreement is to establish an effective mechanism for alternative dispute […]
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Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg grants suite of injunctions against Hong Kong arbitration and proceedings but refuses penalties for non-compliance

In Case No А56-13299/2024, the Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg granted injunctive relief restraining the continuation of HKIAC arbitration and Hong Kong court proceedings. However, as all the relevant claims were non-monetary in nature, the St Petersburg court refused to impose financial penalties for potential non-compliance with the injunctions. Maxim Kulkov and Anastasia Khalyavina, KK&P […]
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Russian court rules that party’s affiliation to arbitral institution not a ground to refuse enforcement of award (Commercial Court of the Moscow Circuit)

In Case No A40-70269/2023, the Commercial Court of the Moscow Circuit considered whether the fact that one of the parties to an arbitration was affiliated to the arbitral institution, under whose rules the proceeding was conducted, constituted a reason to refuse enforcement of the resulting award. The court held it did not, finding that the […]
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Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg grants anti-arbitration injunction and imposes penalty for non-compliance

In Case No А56-16212/2024, the Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg granted an injunction prohibiting the continuation of an ad hoc arbitration seated in Stockholm, and imposed a penalty in the event the injunction is not complied with. Maxim Kulkov (Managing Partner) and Susanna Papoyan (Paralegal), KK&P The Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg (Court) has granted […]
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Commercial Court of Moscow confirms possibility of granting anti anti-suit injunction

In Case No A40-197598/2023, the Commercial Court of Moscow granted an injunction prohibiting the continuation of a SIAC arbitration, in which, in turn, the opponent party sought to prohibit proceedings in a Russian court in breach of an arbitration agreement Maxim Kulkov (Managing Partner) and Anastasiya Khalyavina (Junior Associate), KK&P The Commercial Court of Moscow […]
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Russian court confirms availability of anti-suit injunction as interim measure (Commercial Court of St Petersburg and the Leningrad District)

In Case A56-103943/2023, the Commercial Court of St Petersburg and the Leningrad District granted an anti-suit injunction as an interim measure while the resolution of an application for a permanent anti-suit injunction against proceedings in Hong Kong and at the HKIAC remained pending. Maxim Kulkov (Managing Partner) and Anastasiya Khalyavina (Junior Associate), KK&P The Commercial […]
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Russian court upholds interim measures against assets of defendants’ subsidiaries (Commercial Court of the North-Western District)

In Case No A56-129797/2022, a Russian cassation court maintained interim measures imposed on the Russian assets of a corporate group, including the defendants’ subsidiaries, to ensure the effective enforcement in Russia of any future judgment. Maxim Kulkov (Managing Partner) and Anastasiya Khalyavina (Junior Associate), KK&P The Commercial Court of the North-Western District (Cassation Court) has […]
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Practical Law has published KK&P annual legal reviews

Managing partner Maxim Kulkov and Associate Luiza Movsisyan prepared for Practical Law an overview of mediation and amicable settlements in arbitration and civil litigation in Russia. Annotation to the review “Mediation: Overview (Russian Federation)”: A Practice Note providing an overview of the key legal issues that need to be considered, from a Russian law perspective, […]
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Thirteenth Commercial Court of Appeal confirms Russian courts’ long-standing position that the imposition of sanctions is sufficient, by itself, for the Russian courts to assume exclusive jurisdiction

In Case No A56-82244/2022, the Thirteenth Commercial Court of Appeal cancelled a recent decision of the Saint Petersburg Commercial Court in which that court had ruled that the mere existence of sanctions was not an unconditional ground for applying article 248.1 of the Russian Commercial Procedural Code providing for the exclusive competence of Russian courts. […]
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Commercial Court of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District accepts sanctions restrictions as grounds for freezing injunction in support of future arbitration claim

In Case No A81-7665/2023, the Commercial Court of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District arrested the assets of a US oilfield services company’s local subsidiary in support of a future ICC arbitration. The arrest was required due to sanctions restrictions and, as a consequence, the subsidiary’s withdrawal from the Russian market. Maxim Kulkov (Managing Partner) and Anastasiya […]
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