The Lawyer about KK&P

The Lawyer reported on establishment of our new firm:

‘Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer litigation counsel Maxim Kulkov has left the firm along with a team of lawyers to set up a Moscow-based dispute resolution boutique. Kulkov has co-founded Kulkov Kolotilov & Partners alongside Freshfields associate Oleg Kolotilov. Kolotilov is also a partner at the new firm and the duo have brought four other Freshfields lawyers with them.

The boutique will focus on litigation, domestic and international arbitration, as well as alternative dispute resolution, corporate investigations, compliance and risk management.

Kulkov joined Freshfields in 2011 from Goltsblat BLP, where he headed up the disputes team.

He said that the economic crisis was creating new disputes, making it the right time to set up a boutique firm. Kulkov added that Kulkov Kolotilov & Partners would be able to offer clients greater pricing and staffing flexibility, with the ability to offer fees that were up to 40 per cent lower than those charged by international firms.

Kulkov added that due to the sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU, he expected that there would be a shift away from international litigation by Russian litigants and a move back towards domestic dispute resolution in the near future.’

Full article is available at