The Law Society Gazette interviewed Maxim Kulkov

“The Law Society Gazette interviewed Maxim Kulkov and published a story on the challenges international law firms are facing in Russia and the opportunities opening up for local boutiques.

Western sanctions imposed on Russia could force international firms to close their offices there, the former head of magic circle firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s Russian dispute resolution practice has said.

Maxim Kulkov, who co-founded litigation boutique Kulkov, Kolotilov & Partners in Moscow this month, said international firms face numerous challenges resulting from organisations wanting to resolve their disputes at home and EU and US sanctions imposed on Russia in response to the annexation of Crimea.

He said: ‘I think we will see a certain increase of local boutiques. International firms will certainly downsize their offices in Russia and perhaps a few of them [will] close their offices.”

You can read the full article at the Law Gazette’s website: