1. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court recognises and enforces SIAC award in favour of Russian company despite suspension of award at the seat. Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
  2. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court refuses to recognise and enforce SCC arbitral award resulting from well-known PESA v UralTransMash case, citing violation of public policy (Commercial Court of Sverdlovsk Region). Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
  3. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Supreme Court overturns order enforcing foreign arbitration award, declaring presumption that arbitrators from “unfriendly” states lack impartiality and objectivity. Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
  4. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Commercial Court of Saint Petersburg grants suite of injunctions against Hong Kong arbitration and proceedings but refuses penalties for non-compliance. Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.
  5. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court rules that party’s affiliation to arbitral institution not a ground to refuse enforcement of award (Commercial Court of the Moscow Circuit). Practical Law Arbitration, 2024.


  1. Dyganova N. S., Khalyavina A. D. The right of the customer not to return the amount of the guarantee deduction in case of detection of deficiencies in the results of work. Matters of Russian and International Law, 2023, Volume 13, Issue 5A, pp. 359–369.
  2. Dyganova N. S., Khalyavina A. D. Recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in multi-contract disputes. Naukosfera, 2023, No. 7(2), pp. 221–234.
  3. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court confirms availability of anti-suit injunction as interim measure (Commercial Court of St Petersburg and the Leningrad District). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
  4. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Commercial Court of Moscow confirms possibility of granting anti anti-suit injunction. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
  5. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Russian court upholds interim measures against assets of defendants’ subsidiaries (Commercial Court of the NorthWestern District). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
  6. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Thirteenth Commercial Court of Appeal confirms Russian courts’ long-standing position that the imposition of sanctions is sufficient, by itself, for the Russian courts to assume exclusive jurisdiction. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
  7. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Commercial Court of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District accepts sanctions restrictions as grounds for freezing injunction in support of future arbitration claim. Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
  8. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. Non-sanctioned party has right to prove that a sanctioned party faces no obstacles to access to justice in foreign proceedings (Commercial Court of Moscow). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.
  9. Kulkov M. A., Khalyavina A. D. SCC tribunal’s refusal to adjourn or suspend arbitration proceedings restricted sanctioned entity’s access to justice (Commercial Court of the Tyumen Region). Practical Law Arbitration, 2023.


  1. Khalyavina A. D. Preservation of the arbitration clause in the company’s charter after acquiring public status: does it violate the mandatory norms of Russian legislation? Proceedings of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Legal System and Modern Challenges”, 2022, Ufa (Russia), pp. 208–212.