Stans Energy and Kutisay unsuccessfuly challenge Commercial Court of Moscow decision

In Case No. А4064831/14, the Commercial Court of Moscow Region (the Court of Cassation) considered an appeal by Stans Energy and Kutisay Mining challenging the Commercial Court of Moscow’s decision to set aside an award between Stans Energy Corporation (Canada) and Kutisay Mining LLC, and the Kyrgyz Republic. Maxim Kulkov (Partner) and Elena Zaltser (Associate), KK&P Speedread […]
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Liquidation of award debtor no obstacle to enforcement of arbitral award (Russian Supreme Court)

In Case No. 310ES155564, the Judicial Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considered whether the fact that an award debtor was subject to insolvency proceedings prevented enforcement of an arbitral award against it. Maxim Kulkov (Partner) and Elena Zaltser (Associate), KK&P The Judicial Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Supreme Court) […]
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?Russian Supreme Court upholds lower courts’ decisions vacating arbitral award due to lack of arbitration agreement with Kyrgyz Republic

In Case No. А4064831/14, a judge of the Russian Supreme Court considered whether to allow an appeal of the decisions of the Cassation Court and Moscow Commercial Court setting aside an arbitral award rendered in favour of Stans Energy against Kyrgystan. Dmitry Vlasov (Associate), KK&P Speedread A judge of the Russian Supreme Court has recently refused […]
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Stans Energy and Kutisay unsuccessfuly challenge Commercial Court of Moscow decision

In Case No. А4064831/14, the Commercial Court of Moscow Region (the Court of Cassation) considered an appeal by Stans Energy and Kutisay Mining challenging the Commercial Court of Moscow’s decision to set aside an award between Stans Energy Corporation (Canada) and Kutisay Mining LLC, and the Kyrgyz Republic. Maxim Kulkov (Partner) and Elena Zaltser (Associate), KK&P Speedread […]
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Liquidation of award debtor no obstacle to enforcement of arbitral award (Russian Supreme Court)

In Case No. 310ES155564, the Judicial Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considered whether the fact that an award debtor was subject to insolvency proceedings prevented enforcement of an arbitral award against it. Maxim Kulkov (Partner) and Elena Zaltser (Associate), KK&P The Judicial Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (Supreme Court) […]
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?Russian Supreme Court upholds lower courts’ decisions vacating arbitral award due to lack of arbitration agreement with Kyrgyz Republic

In Case No. А4064831/14, a judge of the Russian Supreme Court considered whether to allow an appeal of the decisions of the Cassation Court and Moscow Commercial Court setting aside an arbitral award rendered in favour of Stans Energy against Kyrgystan. Dmitry Vlasov (Associate), KK&P Speedread A judge of the Russian Supreme Court has recently refused […]
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Russian Supreme Court upholds the validity of optional dispute resolution clause

This article considers Case No. A621635/2014, in which the Chamber on Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of Russia (Russian Supreme Court) considered the validity of an optional dispute resolution clause. Dmitry Vlasov (Senior Associate), KK&P Optional dispute resolution clauses, also called hybrid clauses, provide for one method of dispute resolution (litigation or arbitration) but also allow […]
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Moscow Commercial Court sets aside arbitral award and provides interpretation of Article 11 of Moscow Convention

In Kyrgyzstan v Stans Energy Corporation, Kutisay Mining LLC (Case A4064831/14), the Moscow Commercial Court has granted an application to set aside a Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry arbitral award. The court considered whether Article 11 of the Moscow Convention provides for actual consent of a member state to the Convention to arbitrate investments disputes under […]
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