- Maxim Kulkov took part in a Forbes Federal Legal Forum
Acted as a speaker in a session entitled “A year has passed, the date has changed, but nothing has changed? How have strategies for protecting the interests of Russian parties in foreign proceedings changed (and have they changed at all)?”
Acted as moderator in a session entitled “Sanctions as an indulgence for withdrawal from a treaty – the approach of Russian and foreign courts” (Forbes Federal Legal Forum) - Nikolay Pokryshkin takes part in a webinar on new rights of persons controlling a debtor in bankruptcy proceedings (Law No. 452-FZ):
as part of Kathedra online events (available by subscription)
as part of M-Logos online events (available free by subscription)
as part of the Legal Talks online events (available by subscription) - Nikolay Pokryshkin takes part in a webinar on Challenging Transactions under paragraph 1 of Art. 61.2 of the Bankruptcy Law as part of the Legal Talks online events
- Nikita Chernyshenko took part in webinars on controversial issues of subordination of creditors’ claims arising in judicial practice:
Legal Academy platform (available by subscription)
Kathedra platform (available by subscription)
- Conference on Practical Business Solutions in a New Political Environment, organised by KK&P and Pravo.ru
- Maxim Kulkov spoke at the Collecting Bad Debts. Throwing Good Money after Bad? RAA Conference
“Issues of non-performance and termination of contracts” session - VideoConsultant: seminar by Nikolay Pokryshkin on the procedure for regulating challenges of debtor transactions
Video seminar (paid or trial access)
Brief video announcement